A review by alwaysbooking
Marry Me at Christmas by Susan Mallery


Fools Gold sounds like such a wonderful place. Each of the books in this series can be read as a stand alone. However I love getting to visit with the old characters from previous books. Susan Mallery's Fools Gold is always guaranteed to be a great read and wonderful HEA.

Madeline partly owns Paper Moon a bridal boutique in Fool's Gold. In the past Madeline had struggled to find her direction. She wandered through school, work and life. She feels like she has come home while running Paper Moon it is the perfect fit. Madeline is definitely a giver. She finds happiness in helping others with one of their most memorable days. She always helps friends and family when they need her. Madeline even gives in and talks with an ex once a year when he come to visit (or in my mind rub in his perfect life).So when Mayor Marsha walks up to her and asks for a favor she doesn't hesitate to say yes. She agrees to help plan a small wedding right after Christmas. Then Mayor Marsha breaks the news to her that it is Jonny Blaze's sister's wedding, and that she will be working closely with him. The only problem is that Jonny Blaze is a super star... a super star that Madeline has a huge crush on. She hyperventilates and babbles when he comes into her space.

Jonny Blaze decided to move to Fool's Gold to escape the spotlight of fame. He's still going to be an actor he just wanted somewhere to call home where he didn't have to dodge people "attacking" him at every corner. It's surreal to him in this small town. He's used to being hounded for everything, from autographs to money. The people in Fools Gold ask him for favors sure. The favors however are normal average ones like Mayor Marsha asking to borrow his car for the parade. When he meets Madeline to discuss party plans for his sister's wedding he is shocked by her honesty. She warns him up front that she has never done this before and when he offers to pay her she says no. He can just be himself with her, not the famous actor. Will he be able to get past his fear of loosing everyone he loves to let himself fall for Madeline??

I really enjoy fools gold it has its own little dynamic that works wonderfully in this series. I don't mean just Edie and Gladys although I love them alot!! The first scene that Jonny sits in on the live nativity meeting and meets Edie and Gladys for the first time cracked me up! I couldn't believe he actually did that!! Madeline's family is wonderful, I loved their close connection. When Madeline's family just accepted Jonny as if he were just your average guy instead of a super star that was great. Everyone in the book covered for him with the tourist to, always claiming he was someone else!! classic I couldn't believe people fell for it but in Fool's Gold you protect your own.