A review by katrinia17
Valentino by David Wisehart


I liked it, I didn't like it...I don't know.
The play is set in Italy during the 1500's but I just felt like the wording didn't fit the times. Maybe my mind was looking for something more like what I've read from that time period. Many lines felt forced, the rhyme forced. Then there were be times in which whole passages just flowed and worked so well. Times when my mind couldn't grasp the setting or characters and other times when I saw them acting right in my minds eye. I liked Duke Valentino, though at times I thought he was jumping to conclusions without much thought and making enemies when he had none. For the most part he was entertaining, fun. All the characters had something to them that I loved, they were well laid out. I just wish that many of them had come into the story earlier such as Lucrezia, his sister and their father, the Pope. The idea that his sister, Lucrezia, might be plotting against him comes in way to late. We don't see much of the views of the Pope from him but get it second hand for most of the play. I personally would have loved more detail, a longer play. The story and characters were actually well done but everything seemed rushed on the terms of "I must cut and fit it in this time frame." I wonder if there is a version floating out there that deals with the side characters and plots just a wee bit more.

Overall, I did enjoy it.