A review by vikingwolf
The Almost Moon by Alice Sebold

Did not finish book.
Oh WHY did I do it? WHY did I choose to read this after the horror that was The Lovely Bones??? Sadly I read this and it was WORSE! The subject matter is again disturbing, with the woman murdering her mother without seeming to give a damn but it was the way it was written that I really despised. Mother and daughter were both bitches that you didn't care about. The writing style and choice of words were deliberatly chosen to try and shock your sense of morality and decency-me, I just found it as pathetic as a child that keeps yelling a new swear word for attention. After my attempt to gas myself using the electric oven after 'The Lovely Bones', this book drove me to stick my head in the grill where I only succeeded in setting fire to my hair...