A review by bookgirl4ever
Seeker by Arwen Elys Dayton


Quin, John, and Shinobu come from long lines of Seekers, warriors who exact justice by killing people who seem to deserve it-at least that is what Quin's father Briac, a Seeker trainer, tells her and her third cousin Shinobu. John knows better. His mother was a Seeker whose final words committed him to becoming a Seeker and exacting revenge for his family's grievances. When John doesn't past the final test to become a Seeker, Briac decides to end his training. Quin and Shinobu proceed to take the Seeker oath and perform their first true Seeker mission, which is a gross violation of everything they have learned. A great premise, slow moving story, and a lot of annoyance at revenge-driven John, obstinate Quin, and druggy Shinobu. Still may read the sequel, though.