A review by mylifeasmacy
Another Life by Sarena Ulibarri


“I promised everyone another world and that’s exactly what I delivered.”

If I’m being honest, when I started reading this I thought I might DNF it within the first 10 pages, but I am so glad that I stuck it out because I really enjoyed reading this and found myself wishing for more!

Another Life gives a brutally honest look at what very well could be our near future and how life really does tend to come full circle. I found it to be beautifully written, but if you are not big on science like myself I did struggle at times to get through the technical terms.

I think this book could have been a bit longer so that some issues could have been better explained such as why the main character is called Galacia even though her actual name is Lacey or other aspects of the fictional world that have been created.

There were also quite a few typos/errors that were missed in editing that sometimes tripped me up on my reading, but as I did read it before the publishing date hopefully those issues will be resolved.

Overall I really enjoyed this read and found my self very emotionally invested in the characters and their lives and loved how this book gets your mind thinking about such prevalent social issues in todays society, but by approaching it from a different angle with the themes of reincarnation.