A review by nnof
Love Him Free by E.M. Lindsey


This was a nice read if a little bit too introspective. I liked both Simon and Rocco and think their issues were handled well. Simon’s growth that maybe people weren’t thinking of him in the same lens he held himself was a good journey.

It was a little ridiculous that Simon was pouring his life story out to Rocco after only meeting him in person once. Then things started to pile on a bit too much for Simon when Eric appeared.

I think there are too many characters in this book with pre-existing relationships that I think we’re supposed to know from other series. I don’t appreciate that when this is supposed to be the start of a new series. This book also felt a little ridiculous as I swear nearly everyone was LGBTQ+. I’m struggling to remember a female character in this that wasn’t a passing worker.

I would have liked to see these characters blossom after all the struggle, it felt like this book sorely needed a part two.