A review by greeniezona
The Man With the Golden Arm by Nelson Algren, Daniel Simon, Kurt Vonnegut, Studs Terkel, William J. Savage Jr.


This book has been on my list forever, since the bookslut 100 list, and I finally got around to reading it. As I read it, I was simultaneously aware of both how "great" it was, but also how tired I am of reading books like this. I mean really, both appreciating the book for its grittiness and for its occasional moments of just amazingly evocative narration, while at the same time just completely exhausted slogging through another story of a white man struggling with addiction and poverty in mid-20th century America.

That made it a weird read.

So, the book is great. I mean really, Algren can write. I just need to take a break from this kind of story.