A review by vikingwolf
The Demon's Lexicon by Sarah Rees Brennan


Nick and Alan are hiding their unstable mother, former lover of a magician, who she stole an important charm from when she left him. The magician's revenge caused the death of her husband and has put the brothers in mortal danger. Now Alan has been marked by a demon and his life is in real jeopardy unless Nick can save him.

I really wanted to like this book as the story sounded really good-but the characters just let it down badly.

The mother was a real bitch and the way she acts around Nick really bugged me. Her selfishness has put her kids in danger yet she does nothing useful to help them. Nick was not a particularly nice guy either, being nasty to two kids who come to Alan for help when one is marked by a demon. This poor boy is about the best character in the book though his sister irritated the hell out of me. Her constant sniping with Nick got boring very quickly. Ooh yes we hate each other but I just bet we'll get together at some point. Well if they did, I didn't read that far.

Decent idea, good enough writing but ruined by pain in the butt characters.