A review by mldavisreads
The Bread Pet: A Sourdough Story by Nelleke Verhoeff, Kate Depalma

funny informative lighthearted


Informational picture book.  Cora is happy to see her uncle on his way out west. He asks Cora to look after his goldfish Poquito, as well as his "bread pet"-- a sourdough starter.  Once Cora gets over the gross factor, she agrees to feed it with "half its weight in water and half in flour" every day. But soon the sourdough has expanded into multiple containers-- and they are taking over the kitchen! Finally, she looks at the back of her uncle's note and realizes she is supposed to be baking to use up some of the starter.  Trial and error finally produces a good loaf, and Cora takes it down to the community center.  Once she sees their appreciation, Cora comes back with the various containers of sourdough starter and offers a class to the people at the community center.  Her uncle is at the class and realizes he forgot to tell Cora to keep it in the fridge, which makes it grow at a much slower rate. Back matter includes directions to create a sourdough starter, a sourdough bread recipe, and a bibliography to learn more.

I loved this book! I literally laughed out loud when I saw the jars of sourdough taking over the kitchen.  The characters in this book are a young darker skinned girl, her two female parents (one lighter skin, and one darker skin), and her uncle who appears to be white.  This book has so many possible connections-- the 2020 pandemic sourdough craze, exponential growth, baking/ chemistry, and sharing food with others.  Great fun and will be going on my list for holiday gifts (I know someone who adopted their own bread pet this year!)