A review by bargainsleuth
The Wife App by Carolyn Mackler


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Madeleine is a trust-fund baby who also has an amicable divorce and is devoted to her daughter, Sophie is a divorced teacher and mother to two sons, one of whom has issues. Lauren is a newly divorced mother of two girls and is also a web developer. She divorced her husband because she found out he was paying for hand jobs from some random women. And that’s when she gets a brilliant idea.

If only there were an app that could outsource all the thankless jobs wives and moms are traditionally saddled with. So Lauren develops the Wife App, which offers any spouse service besides sex. She pours almost all of her divorce settlement into the app and is interested in finding backers. Sophie, Lauren and Madeleine start out as the first “spouses,” and the app has a soft launch with just a few New York zip codes being offered.

The app gets off to a great start, and the author does a good job of showing how these women balance their personal and professional lives. As the app becomes more successful, additional spouses are hired to take on additional work. There are quite a few conversations about class and privilege, and the women decide to offer a sliding scale for payment.

The success and expansion of the app still has the trio looking for a big-time investor, and they each have to deal with their burgeoning romantic lives, too. I have to admit there were a couple of random sex scenes that seemed forced and weren’t needed; however, I can see how the author might need to show the women express a sense of empowerment in all aspects of their life, including their sex life.

The book kind of dragged during the last 20%, but all came to a satisfying conclusion. I especially like Sophie’s resolution. It wasn’t unexpected because of foreshadowing, but found it a nice twist to the story.

I received a copy of this book from NetGalley and Simon and Schuster Publishing in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.