A review by shadowlee
Sounds Fake But Okay: An Asexual and Aromantic Perspective on Love, Relationships, Sex, and Pretty Much Anything Else by Kayla Kaszyca, Sarah Costello

informative slow-paced


I’m glad asexuality is gaining visibility through books like this. Unfortunately, this literature reads like a long blog post and makes swooping generalizations with no data to support it. 
Even the citations prove that the authors found Wikipedia a valuable source, which I struggle to accept in a piece that is informing the public of, what I believe, an important perspective on sexuality and anthropology. The syntax was poorly edited and I found it difficult to follow at times. 
Overall, the content speaks to a passionate and well-meaning intent to inform fellow asexuals of the prejudice they already face. It’s a quick read that can offer a good starting point for anyone questioning their sexual identity. As long as individuals read with an understanding that “society” and the patterns, trauma, and progress that comes with it is not meant to stand in for a singular truth. The asexual journey is certainly a complex one.