A review by amandalywarren
The Desire Map: A Guide to Creating Goals with Soul by Danielle LaPorte

challenging inspiring reflective slow-paced


If you are anti-hustle and enjoy flipping scripts on their heads, this just might be the goal-setting book for you. Danielle LaPorte basically denounces every piece of goal-setting advice I’ve ever heard, and while I wouldn’t necessarily follow all of her suggestions, she is clearly an example of her own work.

She takes a spiritual approach to goal setting that is next level woo woo. But since I’m not the kind of person who throws the baby out with the bath water, I think she has a lot of really good points. Paying attention to how we want to feel has A LOT of value in achieving our goals. I know this from experience, and I highly recommend it as part of your goal setting practice.

LaPorte encourages readers to dig really deep and ask lots of thoughtful questions as they consider their goals. And I think we could all benefit from a more sensitive approach to our goals. She challenges the idea of being achievement-driven, and that really struck a chord with me.

If you don’t like new age spiritualism, don’t pick this one up. But if that doesn’t bother you, give LaPorte’s approach a try. I think she’s onto something.