A review by beckyrendon
The Gravity of Us by Brittainy C. Cherry


It's impossible to read any of the books in this series without getting the Feels. If you are not a readaholic like myself, the feels are the intense emotions that wash over you while the characters themselves go through them. 

So, The Gravity of Us is filled with the Feels. It hurts so good. It loves so deeply. It hates so adamantly. It abandons us without regard..oh, wait that's not the book- it's certainly isn't the book. 

I write this with blurred vision and puffy eyes. No, I'm not tired. I am recovering from the gravity that is them...The beauty of a story that almost broke me. Maktub...

Such a beautifully tragic story filled with Hope...Lucy Hope Palmer that is. Tissues and some chocolate should do it. You should be able to recover quite nicely if you have tissues and some form of chocolate- whether beverage or candy from. It will help you recover from the feels.

Just wait a few hours before devouring another BCC book. Doctors orders...too many feels can result in a sobbing mess only a Ben & Jerry's spree can help you recover from.

P.S. I forgot to mention how funny this book is. The back and forth between the characters will give you a permanent smirk at the least and a good ab workout at the most.

Reviewed for Sweet Spot Sisterhood