A review by eswartz1
Want You Still by CE Ricci, Marley Valentine


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Want You Still by CE Ricci & Marley Valentine
🎶 With Me - Sum 41

Well, this book was a doozy and a half.  Once again, I went in blind only knowing the tropes, and from the prologue we get a huge hint at what was to come.  We knew there was someone else but the who is the shocker here.   

Will (aka Auden) and Pierce meet in a bar where a one night stand turns into a week long fling.  Their connection is immediate and explosive.  When neither are ready to say goodbye when Will heads out for deployment, they begin writing eachother.   Pierce was one of Wills drives to come home from his deployment.  Contact slowly faded, and Pierce moved on while Will held hope.  That is until they are back in the same city and the disaster of a wedding absolutely broke my heart.  This was just shy of a Dear John situation.   Yet when we see another letter at the end, we see just how close it was to reality.   

I will say this.  I really struggled to like Pierce for a while.   I liked him in the beginning when they had their whirlwind fling.  But after, with how many times he kept shattering Will’s heart, it was hard.   That being said, major cheating trigger warning for this one.   Yet despite the cheating, I still overall enjoyed this read.  Just be ready going in first 30% pure smut, followed by intermittent heartbreak and tears with some smut speckled in.   It seems even after being married to someone else, Will and Pierce can’t keep their hands off one another.   There really was not other choice for them to ultimately end up together even if it was a bumpy road there. 

One of the tropes in this book is forbidden romance.  I’m not going to tell you HOW since that will give away a major plot line.  So that being said, you’re just gong to have to read for yourself and be ready to have your heart ripped out!  

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ 💫/5