A review by larryssareads
The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes


great premise but terrible execution.

the mystery solving of why avery was written into the will was so boring. looking back at the events that led to the answer, it feels like nothing happened. i’ve done escape rooms with more intricacy than this billionaire could come up with. 

i feel like what really weighed down the mystery was the addition of emily.   i wish i could tell you what her relevance to the plot was other than to add mystery to grayson and jameson. there is such a big focus on her but yet nothing comes about from it than maybe a last minute conflict that gets resolved within ten pages. she feels so pointless even though she is talked about numerous times. we get small mentions of her throughout the book and are expected to be interested with her character but it’s not until the last 50 pages we get more than two sentences about her. she’s meant to be intriguing but i simply could not care about her because barnes refused to talk about her for more than a second before ending the chapter. having a mysterious character and talking about them are two things that can coexist. 

i wish barnes had just stuck to either the emily plot or the inheritance plot because both felt so half baked. on their own they seem like decent plots but forcing them together in the same >400 page book just didn’t go well.

my other gripe with this novel is the forced love triangle. i could not believe grayson liked avery after finding out she wasn’t a con woman. it was such a quick turn around from hating her to suddenly caring about her safety. its okay to only have one grandson like her. 

and on a final note the drake thing felt so stupid. really? him? 

but i digress.