A review by yinlin
Every Day by David Levithan


"I watch her as she falls asleep next to me. I watch her as she breathes. I watch her as the dreams take hold. This memory. I will only have this. I will always have this."

I have so many things to say about this book, which surprises me, because as I was reading it, I didn't know how to feel about it. Going into it, I didn't really know if I was going to like it. I've enjoyed David Levithan's writing in the past, but this one seemed so different from his other books that I've read. And it really is different.

This book is about A, who wakes up in a different body every day. At the beginning of the book, A is in Justin's body. Usually A doesn't interfere with the people's lives that they inhabit, but this time it's different - because this time they fall in love with Justin's girlfriend, Rhiannon.

A and Rhiannon's romance is the main storyline in this book, so obviously it plays a huge part. Thing is, I really, really didn't like Rhiannon, and I definitely wasn't a fan of their relationship, but despite that, I actually really enjoyed this book.

This book is filled with so many wonderful stories about different people and their lives. I loved reading about all the different people A woke up as, learning about their past and learning what is an ordinary day for them. I was able to sort of tune out the whole Rhiannon thing and just focus on all these different people, which made this a very enjoyable read.