A review by kennisn
From Hell by Alan Moore


A gruesome examination of the Jack the Ripper story - Alan Moore clearly demonstrates his brilliance. This is a great work of literary art. Yet, like many great works of art (and perhaps this was intentional), it is very difficult to digest. The density of Moore's writing can suffocate the reader. I found myself forcefully pushing through certain chapters. At the same time,it gave me a sense that the personality of Moore's "Jack the Ripper" was similarly dense and difficult to comprehend. In the same way, Eddie Campbell's black and white impressionistic pen and ink drawing is very difficult to get used to. Characters are often indecipherable from one another. However, it truly creates an extremely dark and tumultuous atmosphere for this story. Difficulties in reading aside, I did enjoy From Hell - it transported me to a dismal and horrific location and enveloped me in a terrifying tale of murder and intrigue. In essence, taking me To Hell and back.