A review by mitslits
Siege of Shadows by Sarah Raughley


Ughhh. There was a brief moment where this book was actually kind of engaging, thus the half-star bump. But it was very brief, and it didn't make up for the rest of it. Maia continues to be completely unlikable. She is a shred better in this one. At least she uses her powers, which is more than can be said for the first book. They don't seem to serve her well, though, as she still spends quite a chunk of this book whining and running and just being an overall wet blanket. 

Also, I don't know what happened with the editing in this book, but it wasn't on point. There's a point where Maia gets shot in the leg, which I don't actually consider a spoiler because this injury never comes back into play. I'm pretty sure it just got forgotten because she never gets it taken care of and is running down stairs in the next scene, so that's cool. 

I mentioned this in the review for the first book, but this romance sucks. Aidan/Rhys (seriously, why the two names? Just call the guy you love by his first name) remains boring, boring cardboard. There's zero chemistry here. 

The ending is bullshit. I hope Maia is dead and we get some other Effigy to take her place.