A review by mrsbatts610
Claim Me by J. Kenner


I loved Release Me, but I think I loved Claim Me more.

Claim Me picks up where Release Me left off. I have to admit, even after reading what happened between them in book 1, I was a little nervous about how Damien and Nikki's relationship would change once their arrangement came to end, but I had no reason to worry.

In Claim Me, we watch Damien and Nikki's relationship grow. I love the little banters they have, I love how they are both opening to one another. Billionaire and beauty queen status aside, they seem like a normal couple. Yes, they fights, they have misunderstandings, and Nikki may stalk away, but she always comes to her senses, they work on their issues and they go forward. I love how the angst from this book, comes from outside issues rather than primarily relationship issues. We get to see how this couple deals with the past problems being thrown at them, as well as paparazzi.

I have to say I love the secondary characters. Evelyn, Blaine, and Jamie are not simply there for show, they help push the plots forward. I even kind of like Ollie, though I could wring his neck.

This book ends in a little more of a cliffhanger than the last one. It's not a total cliffhanger, but it leaves open important plots that I cannot wait to see unfold!

A great book, cannot wait to read the next one, though I'm sad that will be the last one. I really love this couple, and wouldn't mind reading a lot more of them!

Thank you to NetGalley for providing an ARC for an honest review