A review by vlreid
With Love from London by Sarah Jio


With Love from London included many of my favorite things in a book: a librarian, a charming bookshop, the story set in London, and mother/daughter relationships. I love how the alternating chapters slowly unfold the individual stories of Eloise (the mother) and Valentina (the daughter). We gradually understand the events and rationale behind the choices that Eloise made. Even though Primrose Hill is a section of London, it has a delightful small-town, neighborhood feel to it. The book evokes a wide range of emotions, and is beautifully written. This is my first book by Sarah Jio, but you can be sure that I will be reading many more!!

I received an ARC from NetGalley -- thank you so much!!

Read more of my reviews at https://thegoodreader13.blogspot.com/.