A review by beeaattrriizz
Dragon Skin by Karen Foxlee


"Some things you can't think."

a well deserved 5 stars

I'm crying right now. This is one of the best children's books I have ever read.

Characters: 5/5

Plot: 4.5/5

Setting: 4/5

Writing: 5/5

Overall: 5/5

This book is so simple yet so elegant. The writing style lets us into the main character, Pip, thoughts but it does it in a beautiful and very subtle way.


"It's simple food," said Pip. "I only like simple foods."
Simple. Pimple. Dimple.
Sim-pull. Pim-pull. Dim-pull.

This book is one of the easiest five stars I have ever given. It's bright and clever and I fell in love with it. It's not a mystery book and it does have any huge plot twists but it is a wonderful story and one I hope to read again.

TW: Emotional abuse