A review by popthebutterfly
Neanderthal King by Matt Ward


Disclaimer: I received this ebook from the author. Thanks! All opinions are my own.

Book: Neanderthal King

Author: Matt Ward

Book Series: Standalone

Rating: 4/5

Recommended For...: ya fantasy, war

Publication Date: August 8, 2020

Genre: YA Fantasy

Recommended Age: 16+ (violence, gore, language, slavery, war)

Publisher: Myrmani Press

Pages: 318

Synopsis: It’s 1107, and the once-great Neanderthal empire is no more, laid waste by the dark Sapien king, Isaac, the same bastard who slaughtered the Thal queen’s young heirs. A brutal reversal of medieval power forged in blood and fueled by Sap ingenuity.
But one babe escaped the mad king’s wrath.

Raised the son of a simple Thal herder, Maralek’s a rough lad with the ferocious pride and temper of his ruined people, a scorn for rules and rulers, and less than a little creativity in his thick skull. In a word, your average Neanderthal.

And life’s livable, until King Isaac resumes his bloodthirsty crusade, and Maralek’s forced into slaving shackles. Then, a rowdy caravan, a mysterious gypsy, a whispered prophecy… A whirlwind of devastation and war as his master is murdered, his fate unwoven, and his world ripped asunder in an epic battle to end all.

Neanderthal King is a historic epic YA fantasy by renowned science fiction and fantasy author, Matt Ward, that features savage twists and darker secrets, raging kings and enslaved heirs, and an audaciously ambitious coming of age quest set in an alternative medieval Europe. If you love Brandon Sanderson, Ursula le Guin, or Robin Hobb, or explosive high and low fantasy classics like Lord of the Rings, the Kingkiller Chronicles, and the Earthsea Cycle, you’ll love this heroic historical tale.

Grab the 1st five chapters of Neanderthal King today for a bold new take on a daring teen hero’s fantastic adventure…

Review: For the most part I thought this book was really good. The book had a game of thrones feel and was very action-packed. The book was very fast-paced and I think the author did well with the storyline and the plot.

However I do think that the characters weren't as developed as I would have liked them to be. It just feels like I didn't really know the characters. I also thought the world building could have been more.

Verdict: It was good!