A review by jdalton
In Every Generation by Kendare Blake


Thank you so much to Netgalley and Disney Hyperion for a review copy of this book.

As a millennial, I grew up watching buffy and falling in love with the Scooby gang and the vampires (team spike forever!) So this was a book I knew I had to read!

Seeing the new generation of the Scooby gang, which happens to be the children of some of the original gang, was like growing up even more with the characters I love, as I’m now a parent sharing the buffyverse with my own children (hooray for geeky kids books!).

As I read this book, it was just like I was watching an episode of the series all over again! I look forward to more books to see how Frankie, Jake, Spike (seriously love that he is a watcher now!!!) and others fight the hellmouth once again in Sunnydale.