A review by noturstroganoff
Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza by Gloria E. Anzaldúa


Can’t stop thinking about mother creator and serpentine spirals and also, the race science is wild. I would describe this as the pinnacle of subaltern studies, dangerous in many ways. The trance-state ritual writing has left a deep impression and I will be integrating elements of that into my practice. Still trying to understand my own hang-ups about digging into the Self, like What is the Point, and honoring G.A.’s generosity of intimacy. Restraint, confession, truth, willfullness, drive, polished metal walls of language. Muddled fingers in reflection, the shine of ritual scratch. The cat in the yard stands beside a mound of clay the size of her body. It need not be hewn to mirror her spirit.