A review by pandorasxbox
Shroud of Sorrow by Tommy Donbavand


This is probably more of a 2.5, but I can't bring myself to give it a 3. I did like the shout-outs to the old doctors.
SpoilerIt's a bit strange that Donna and Rose are missing from the Bad Memory Montage, while Astrid shows up so many times. For fans at least, those goodbyes are far more painful than Astrid's.

The author has the Doctor more or less down, but Clara seemed a little off to me. I got a bit of a sense that the author didn't like her character very much- there's a lot more pouting, complaining, etc. It may not be on every page, but it's enough that it jumped out at me.

I'm generally pretty good about suspending my disbelief when watching Doctor Who. I'm not sure whether it's because this is a different medium, but it was a bit more difficult for me to do that this time around. The Shroud just didn't work for me, especially when it came to the conclusion.