A review by the_fabric_of_words
The Fourth Suit by Neil Patrick Harris


The fourth and final book is written from Riley's point-of-view. She's worried she's too much trouble for her mother, who she's secretly afraid loves her work (writing books!) more than her.

Kalagan will use this deep seated fear against her, as he'll use all the Misfits' fears and petty jealousies against them in his final play to discredit Mr. Vernon in the kids' eyes, once and for all, and bring them over to his side.

Except he's underestimated the kids' love for Mr. Vernon and deep-rooted friendships. I can't say much more or I'll ruin the twists, but just know, this book brings the Misfits' and Mr. Vernon's story full-circle to Carter's arrival in Mineral Wells in book 1 (hint-hint!).

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