A review by thebritishbibliophile
Stone Heart by Katee Robert


I’m officially hooked on Katee Robert. There’s no denying it. Neon Gods was my first read and Electric Idol my second, and the moment I heard that there was going to be a Dark Olympus novella, I knew I wanted to read it and I was going to make it happen.

So, I signed right on up to Katee’s newsletter and bingo, release day for this novella it landed happily in my emails.

Short but not-to-sweet—instead sinfully sexy—, we get a peak at life pre-Neon gods with Calypso and huntress/assassin, Medusa. For a short while things are very cat and mouse, but that soon turns to lion hunting it’s prey and wicked ways ensue thereafter.

I love Katee’s inclusive nature of not only this novella but her whole Dark Olympus series. Bottom line, love is love and doesn’t stick to the confines of gender. Medusa and Calypso show what it means to love someone for all their flaws, scars, insecurities and their underlying passion. Not to mention, they’re insanely fire together!

Roll on the next Dark Olympus instalment with Wicked Beauty on June 7th. Get ready to meet Helen Kasios, Achilles Kallis & Patroclus Fotos.