A review by deanie
The Secret Princess by Melanie Cellier


Melanie Cellier can certainly write a fairy tale retelling. Her The Four Kingdoms and Beyond the Four Kingdoms novels are fabulous, and now she's returning to her popular series for more stories. This book is about Princess Giselle, younger sister to Prince Oliver from [b:A Crown of Snow and Ice: A Retelling of The Snow Queen|41434908|A Crown of Snow and Ice A Retelling of The Snow Queen (Beyond the Four Kingdoms, #3)|Melanie Cellier|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1534961486l/41434908._SY75_.jpg|64661501]. She is accompanying her brother and sister-in-law (as well as others) on a diplomatic tour of the Four Kingdoms when their ship starts leaking. They decide that most of the crew (including the ill and pregnant Celine) will go directly to her home country of Lanover, leaving a small diplomatic party (led by Giselle) to explain to the royal family of Arcadia what happens. However, when they're attacked, Giselle's maid Sierra takes advantage and impersonates Giselle, enchanting the real princess so she can't tell anyone what really happened.

This s a great story. There's a lot of palace intrigue, spying, and action, along with romance, character development and fun. Anyone who likes fairy tell retellings should really like this book.