A review by edshara
Nooks & Crannies by Jessica Lawson, Natalie Andrewson


Well, this was a surprisingly good mystery and I rather enjoyed it. Even though this is a Middle Grade book, it had enough twists, turns and surprises to keep me interested and excited from start to finish.

Jessica Lawson did a good job of crafting her characters. I adored Tabitha and if she were real, I think I would have liked to bring her home. I liked the relationship she had with Pemberley and while in real life I am not a fan of mice, I would make an exception, if they were like him. He was loving and loyal in his own little way and I'm glad he and Tabitha "saved" each other. Tabitha's parents were horrid and every moment I had to encounter them on a page, I wanted to physically hurt them.

The main themes of this book seemed to be Family and Forgiveness and I felt they were properly portrayed in the story. Jessica showed you could give forgiveness to someone without condoning their actions or keeping them in your life. Forgiveness is more for you, than the other person and I think sometimes we focus too much on vengeance. Sometimes it gets wrapped up nicely and that is exactly what this book did. While some of it may have been predictable, other bits came out of nowhere. This is an easy to recommend read and I'm glad I picked it up.