A review by maplessence
Behold, Here's Poison by Georgette Heyer


This wasn't my finest moment as a moderator, but I was so sure I had a copy of this book. Fortunately TradeMe (NZ's answer to Ebay) came to the rescue & I now own all GH's mysteries. So I'm very late to the party at the Georgette Heyer Fans Group

My cover is quite charmingly retro. [bc:Behold, Here's Poison|36224460|Behold, Here's Poison|Georgette Heyer|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1505170578s/36224460.jpg|1595079] Unfortunately the pages were falling out as I read them, but I still enjoyed Ms Heyer's remarkable gift of bringing even the most unlikeable characters (& they were mostly very unlikeable) to life. The murder method was ingenious & the dovetailing of detail very skilled, other than one small error - plus
Spoilerthe amount of detail Inspector Hannasyde told one of the suspects
This book represents a considerable step up from the first Hannasyde detective novel [bc:Death in the Stocks|311203|Death in the Stocks (Inspector Hannasyde, #1)|Georgette Heyer|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1395082975s/311203.jpg|808771] (yes I know I gave that one 5★ as well - it is a sentimental favourite of mine. Humour me!)

Only other fault is there wasn't enough Sergeant Hemingway!