A review by chloester
Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer


I've read many low reviews by adults/parents for this book because of the message it conveys to young adults, especially young adult couples. They think the book is saying that it is okay to marry and have babies at a young age, fresh out of high school, and that everything will be handed to you on a plate when things get tough. No, that is completely missing the point.

As a sort-of-young adult myself, I can't say that the message is telling me any of that. I read it strictly for entertainment, and understand that the choices Bella makes are tied to her character and in no way reflects anything about what society should do or think. What about when Bella finally becomes a vampire, and the exhilaration I feel along with hers as she makes her first jump? It is a fantasy book, and I was able to completely immerse myself in the world that Stephenie Meyer created. I am not concerned about the message, perhaps because I'm not a parent yet, but it is a YA fantasy fiction book, and should be treated as such.