A review by lizziehutchings
Bridge of Souls by V.E. Schwab


~~edit 02/26/22~~



4.2 stars!!

"Death will come for us again, one way or another. We can't live in fear of it. That's no way to live at all."

When I opened this book for the first time, and I heard the creaking of the spine, the touch of a brand new book, and Victoria Schwab's glorious name on the cover, I am pretty sure I almost cried.

I read the first two books in the Cassidy Blake series in December, and I immediately fell in love with the amazing characters, the adventurous plot, and the beautiful writing style that spawns from all V.E. Schwab books.

Characters. Well, honestly. Jacob is just everything for me in this entire series. He is just a sweet boy who deserves so much more, and he provides all of the grief and the comedic relief in this trilogy. I loved learning about him in the previous book in the series, and I have to say I was a tad bit disappointed that we didn't see more from him in this book. BUT the other main characters' (Lara and Cassidy) development and significance in this book made up for it. I loved how Victoria wrote Cassidy's PTSD into this novel without being like: "I'm Cassidy Blake, and by the way, I suffer from anxiety and PTSD." Shockingly enough, I think authors struggle with that more than they should, at least in YA. But, V.E. Schwab is too good for all those other author's mistakes. Am I biased? Maybe. Anyways, I kinda hated Lara in the other two books, but I loved her in this book. She got a lot of needed character development in this book that made me like her a lot more.

Plot. I mean, this obviously isn't the best V.E. Schwab book out there regarding the plot for obvious reasons. So, I am going to rate the plot level as a middle-grade novel, which was absolutely fantastic. I keep wishing this series came out like five years ago, so I could just love the heck out of all these books because they are fantastic. I am not the intended age-group for this series, so I am less partial to these books than I'd like, BUT I STILL LOVE THE HECK OUT OF IT. The plot was fast-paced and engaging. And yes, I cried. My heart was torn from my chest, but I'm fine. It's fine.

Writing. Honestly, you all know how I feel about V.E. Schwab's writing style, so I'll spare you the long rant.

Themes. Friendship. I know I could have put this under the characters category, but that paragraph was getting too long, so here I am. Cassidy and Jacob's relationship is adorable and literally everything. This book is so strengthened by the friendship aspects--and also with the strengthening of Lara's relationships with both Jacob and Cassidy,
of course.

Have a wonderful afternoon