A review by book_hoarding_dragon
The Shattering by Karen Healey


As Healey's Sophomore novel, she did step up on this one in my opinion. The story centers around three teenagers: Keri, Janna, and Sione. One thing that they all have in common is their older brothers committed suicide, or did they?

I really enjoyed this novel more so for the interaction of the characters and how they have dealt with everything, especially with Sione's and Keri grief with their brothers. Although, this book isn't as chalk full with mythology like "The Guardian Of The Dead" was, it was still awesome. I really enjoyed the insight into the cultural interaction between Whites, Maori, and Samoans (I'm a anthropology major I enjoy examining human interactions).

There was some predictability to the book, but Healey comes out with it quite quickly. It was really great.