A review by nikitanavalkar
Big Ben by Nana Malone

3.5 Stars

Book hangover + sickness = moody, grumpy me. Which means my reading suffers. I so wanted to love this secret society, heisty book, but I wasn’t super impressed. Arrogant billionaire Ben has a one track mind and the attention span of a poodle, when he’s supposed to be this suave modern rogue with smarts. Livy’s character I couldn’t pin down because it kept changing so often. And both have a penchant for making the worst stupid decisions that belie their supposedly smart, hotshot characters. Their insta love + friends to lovers dynamic is supposed to be electric but I felt a lot of tell no show, with long internal monologues and little actual chemistry. But like I said, I was grumpy, so it could be a case of it’s not you it’s me. While I do want to complete the trilogy after that cliffy, I really actually want Bridge’s book because of certain little tidbits thrown at us.