A review by hobbitfreddie
Our Wonderful Days Vol. 2 by 土室 圭, Kei Hamuro


OK so even though this is the penultimate volume, the romance really takes a backseat. It fully becomes slice of life about these friends in a small town. Which I think this comic does VERY well. You get screentime for the whole cast, even the adult characters have their own chapter. Also Nanaya and Minori being on the cover summarizes this whole volume. It's really about them more than Mafuyu and Koharu. Which I don't mind cuz I like the whole cast.
The atmopshere of the comic is very cozy and fun also. I didn't have a good HS experience so reading this is nice idk maybe that's why I like it.
Anyways this is a very simple and chill story that I love.
Proper review later my brain's kinda full of jellybeans.