A review by bookishmya
Christmas Belles: A Holiday Regency Anthology by Charlie Lane, Bree Wolf, Bree Wolf, Collette Cameron


This anthology is packed with some of my favourite authors, my favourite characters. They are all beautifully written and dig into your heart leaving you with a perfect glow of love. You will laugh, cry and cheer! I have already ready two of those stories and can’t wait to dive into the rest. I will continue to update my review as I read each, here are my thought on the first 2 I’ve read.

The Heiress who dared me. By Charlie Lane
Somewhere between cake and pretend they found bliss! Brace yourself, I’m about to gush! I could not love this any more if i tried! I knew from the first sneak peek that I would fall for Josiah, but I was not prepared for him to shatter the mold. He absolutely tops my Lane Book Boyfriend list, no other brute stood a chance (sorry Xavier!). This story stole into my heart with the playful banter, the tender secret longings and the pure combustion of their chemistry. Georgie is every bit the independent, fierce heroine that I love, coupled with a delicate vulnerability that only her perfect cinnamon roll can heal. But since this is Georgie & Josiah, maybe we’ll have to forgo the “cinnamon roll” title for the perfect ooey gooey “cupcake”! Josiah is every bit of delectable frosting covering a soft and tender heart just searching for someone to protect and love unconditionally. The way these two see each other for all their faults and all their successes is simply beautiful. My cheeks hurt from smiling so hard. If I wasn’t smiling, laughing and cherishing every word of their story, I was sobbing for the hurts they’ve endured. Seeing Georgie embrace Josiah by confronting his father was a pure “hurrah!” moment. It was the absolute best declaration! I could go on and on, there was nothing I did not like in this story. I devoured this delicious slice of cake in one sitting, and am seriously considering going back for seconds! If you want my recommendation… I Dare You! Read this story.

A Daring Debutante by Tracy Sumner
There is a Sumner prerequisite for every story… pining, groveling, grand gesture! This is simply the way the story goes and I am never disappointed. This story is near and dear to me being that Pippa & Macauley are the love story of my heart. Now we skip ahead to the next generation. They are perfectly reflected in Nigel & Bell. These two are the spitting image of their parents. Nigel encompasses a perfect blend of Streeter’s charm and Macauley’s fierce loyalty. Two men he’s grown up emulating. Arabella is every bit of her mothers determination and tenacity blended with her father’s stubbornness and flair. Their love story was like a walk down memory lane, with all the tender glow of remembrance. Can you enjoy this story as a stand alone? Sure! But I assure you the complete package is worth the time invested. This found family is best served as a whole as they will fill your heart with an all-encompassing love that sticks with you.