A review by rosewelsh
My Hero Academia: Vigilantes, Vol. 5 by Hideyuki Furuhashi


My Hero Academia: Vigilantes is slowly becoming super cool. At first I was bothered by the slight change in tone and the emphasis put on female sexuality (and there still is), but as the story has gone on I think it's finally finding it's groove. It helps a lot, to me at least, that the author is starting to integrate characters from the main My Hero Academia story into this. In volume 5 we get cameos from Eraserhead, Midnight and Fatgum, and all of those cameos made me perk up with excitement. Their characters do not take over the story or even drive it, they're just background material, and that's exactly how they should be used. 

The main arc of this volume is that The Crawler and Pop Step are on the way to an idol performance when they run into Fatgum and subsequently help him solve a crime and track down a villain. There's other shenanigans as usual but it's fun. Knuckleduster is staying away from the others for the time being as his daughter was being possessed by Kuin Hachisuka, the Queen Bee. His daughter is in the hospital recovering and because of this, Knuckleduster really doesn't make much of an impact in this volume. This volume seems much more like filler, but it's still enjoyable. 
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