A review by thebooktrail88
Hangman by Daniel Cole



Hangman locations

Is it wrong for a gory murder book to make you laugh? There's blood, gore and comedy galore in this adventure - second to Ragdoll and with characters other than Wolf at its centre.

It's one of the most entertaining tours of New York I've ever done that's for sure! The plot may be something off a theatre stage but it's entertaining if not a bit surreal. The incident with the spider - OMG now that was funny.

Baxter is a great character and it was a treat to get to know her and have her at the centre of the case. A bizarre case of Bait and Puppet being carved into the chests of victims. I did almost pass out on one occasion but I forgive Daniel Cole if for nothing else than that last line.

I wonder which nice childhood memory Daniel is going to warp for book three!Haha I will be there!
Full review and trail to come