A review by carlyroth10
The Lost Girl by Sangu Mandanna


So, I might have given my sister some sass for this book recommendation. I asked for something sad, romantic, but not too mushy. She gave me the perfect book.

Recently I haven’t been a fan of the dystopian books, just because they seem to repeat themselves, but this book took alternate realities to a whole new level. The beginning/build up’s are usually the most painful part of the book, but in this books case, it was the best. It perfectly put down a foundation for how much Eva truly loves her family and Sean.

This book wouldn’t strike you as the sad type, but my god it was heart reaching. Not only does Eva have to become Amarra completely, she also has to leave behind everybody she lives to go live with people she hardly knows. You feel with Eva and her heartbreak and it’s just.... sad.

The character development was amazing. The author made every. single. character an actual character and not just a blob. Nikhil and Sasha were perfectly characterized, Matthew somehow ended up being my favorite character of them all, I could go all day with every single person you meet in the book and how well they were characterized.