A review by evenshadow
I Know How She Does It: How Successful Women Make the Most of Their Time by Laura Vanderkam


Firstly, this is about successful moms. As a not-mom, I somehow missed this, and then had to skim over the many parenting chapters. Though, her suggestion to hire a backup au pair for when your regular full-time nanny needs time off was undoubtedly enlightening for those to whom this might apply.

As others have noted, this lady needs to take a minute and check her privilege, though that wasn't my main issue with this book. I just didn't find anything applicable in it. She recycles the same old tips you've heard a thousand times (listen to an educational podcast on your commute! read when you have dead time instead of checking your email!). I think a lot of the time she misses the point. People don't sit around and watch TV 30 hours a week because they are lazy and love TV. If you need "just do it!" advice, this is fine. If you know you could be doing things better and want to figure out why you can't follow your ideal productivity schedule, this will not help you.