A review by 100pagesaday
Naked by Eliza Redgold


Lady Godiva of Coventry was raised both as daughter and son and is fiercely loyal to her people and lands. When her parents unexpectedly die, their absence leaves Coventry open to attack from the Dane, Thurkilll the Tall. When Lord Leofric of Mercia arrives with aid, Godiva wholeheartedly accepts, thinking of nothing but her people and her home. Godiva’s trusted knight; Edmund has warned her that Leofric’s aid will not come without a price. When Leofric names his price, Godiva again only thinks of the safety of her people. With a new union, Leofric and Godiva have more of a business agreement and a battle of wills than a marriage, but with Godiva’s spirit, Leofric may be the one who falls.

I did not know much about Lady Godiva going into this book, other than her naked ride. However, I was hooked from the prologue and Lady Godiva is my new hero. I loved Godiva's spirit and personality, how she would do anything for her people. Godiva's character was created to be strong, an actual warrior who fought with her people, intelligent and a good politician during a tumultuous and dangerous time. I especially loved that she made the best of the situation and became a peace weaver, with the beautiful term fripwebba. The writing was enchanting and endearing, making the characters and this time period come alive. Sometimes I find it hard to relate to people so long ago, but Godiva, Leofric, Edmund and Aine all felt like people I could relate to. This story is about so much more than the famous naked ride, it is about a woman with immense strength, courage, and bravery that saved her people and eventually herself.

This book was received for free in return for an honest review.