A review by kacyreadsbooks
Fragments by Dan Wells

Did not finish book.
DNF ~40%

I just couldn’t do it. There are too many elements that made this book painful to read, and here are only a few outlined:

How did Kira know the difference in bomb/explosive schematics? What experience does she have under her belt that she would known where and what kind of bomb caused the explosions of Afa’s radio station? It’s just SO CONVENIENT that she has this knowledge, especially given that the only formal training she had was in the hospital/medical field when they went on raids. It’s this kind of storytelling that make this series lose stars—the little details not adding up and not making logical sense. Simply, it makes Kira unbelievable.

And later, when she’s speaking with Afa about his IT experience, she actually admits it’s out of her area of expertise. WHAT’S THIS?! Our MC finally not knowing how to do something??

There’s a line when Marcus is talking to the senators and he feels inadequate—saying he’s not a public speaker and whatever, but then he says to himself, “I’m not Kira.” This made me so sad for him. We as an audience know Kira is so overly capable its almost unbelievable, we don’t need Marcus feeling sorry for himself too. Yes, you can have doubts, but don’t go comparing yourself to this unrealistically capable girl who left you. It’s just sad.

Although there are a few things that redeem this book, such as the representation of mental illness/trauma, it simply is not enough the keep me reading this train wreck of a series.