A review by radiansreads
Shadowhunters and Downworlders: A Mortal Instruments Reader by Cassandra Clare


Shadowhunters and Downworlders: A Mortal Instruments Reader is an in-depth collection of essays discussing the world of Cassandra Clare’s Shadowhunters series. We got to know more about the characters and the settings, as well as knowing what the writers thought of this series. The writers shares their views and opinions -- and a couple declarations -- about everything Shadowhunter-related, be it the place or the people itself. The distinctive writing style of these writers made it even more enjoyable. Some wrote detailed essays based on their researches, others share casual thought and speculations.

Did I mention that this book is not spoiler-free? Because there are quite a few references on the latest books. You might want to steer clear of this one if you haven’t read the latest installment. Of course, I’m not that bothered with it.

These essays actually sound close to what I would say regarding the series (if I can write as thoroughly), while also helping clear up some questions that I never got a chance to check for myself. In addition, I had the chance to discover Clare’s other writings (or side story, if you may); namely Kissed: Magnus and Alec’s First Kiss. I swear I love that. Thank you, Sara Ryan!

Most of the time I can relate with the contents. Say, for example, Unhomely Places. My experience was not about places, rather a person. I had an experience where my Biology looked younger each time I looked at her face. If I knew about the world of Shadowhunters back then I would’ve said it was the glamour distorting my view, but alas, the poor lighting took the blame.

Anywho, as a fan of the Mortal Instruments and The Infernal Devices, I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Much like a guidebook, it’s very thorough and straight to the point, sticking to the arguable topics that are most likely to be brought up when we mention the series. 5 stars (although it wasn’t really necessary).