A review by beckymmoe
Catch Your Breath by Shannyn Schroeder


It's so fun to be back with the O'Learys again!

I enjoyed Moira and Jimmy's story--unrequited teenage love *finally* realized is such a fun trope--especially when you add in that he is (one of) her older brother's best friend. Make him a police detective and her the reporter that is going to help him on an undercover assignment, and you've got gold... ;)

Though their relationship problems mainly stemmed from the old classic he doesn't know what he wants and blows hot and cold which had me just about as frustrated as Moira was (I mean, God forbid he actually talk to her about it), once he removed his head from his posterior Jimmy was the one person who was able to appreciate Moira for who she was--both as a reporter and as a woman. The suspense added an extra layer to the story here, and yikes, Moira's foray into investigative reporting was super stressful. She had me sympathizing with Jimmy there!

As with the rest of the series, the characters are what really made this story shine. Not only were Moira and Jimmy fabulous together, but I really enjoyed watching them interact with their families as well. Even though I don't have older brothers, boy did I feel Moira's pain when hers expressed their opinions of her relationship with Jimmy! Those who have read the other books in the series will love seeing past characters here, but if you haven't this would also be a decent place to try out the series. If you can get your hands on the box set (this is the first book in the second set), even better :)

Rating: 4 stars / A-

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.