A review by readwithwine
Happy & You Know It by Laura Hankin


This Is My Book Clubs Pick For June!

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Claire, a young musician and song writer, has been dropped by her band just before they launched into stardom. She sinks into nothingness, deleting all social media, refusing to sing, or write, and contemplating how she spent so much time on that career to have nothing left.

Then her bank account hits zero, and she takes a job her best friends shoves at her - children's singer for a private wealthy NY playgroup. Sucked into a world of "momfluencers" - picture perfect homes, babies, juice cleanses and spin class.

Claire is surprised to discover how much she like these women, and as she gets more involved into their friendship circle, the cracks start to appear- and the dark secrets begin to surface.


This was a really fun read- perfect timing for 2 months deep into lock down. #quarantineread

Big chick-lit vibes in this one- think Sex in the City meets your local mums play group. Filled with all the fun and drama you can expect with when money meets toddlers, but Hankin still managed to take time to shine a light on the issues that arise from "keeping up with the Jones'" and "mommy influencers" on social media.

Filled with entertaining and over the top drama, I highly recommend it if you are a mum looking for laughs, or a single lady having a mid-life crisis!

I hope you enjoyed my thoughts on  Happy & You Know It. Have you read this? Tell me what you thought!   

Feel free to comment below or on my 'bookstagram' at @ReadWithWine .
This review was originally posted on ReadWithWine