A review by screeching_dread
The Book of Whispers by Kimberley Starr


*I received a copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.*

Set during the First Crusade, The Book of Whispers follows young Luca, the son of a Tuscan Conte. Luca has the ability see demons and has premonitory dreams, which he must keep a secret for his own safety. He is given a strange and powerful book, which he can’t read, but with the help of the mysterious Suzan -who can- he’ll face men and demons who wish to destroy the world.

This book had me saying “Oh, my God! I can’t believe how cool is this book” to my husband several times a day. The author has so many great ideas and the talent to create a great story with them.

I was -well, still am- in the middle of an international relocation. This past month has been nothing but a big ball of chaos and stress. Under these circumstances, I would’ve dropped any other book in favour of comics or something more bite-sized, but it gripped me and I could not put it down. I had almost no free time and what little I did have, I spent reading this book. This is the only reason I didn’t read it in two sittings.

The characters are fantastic! Their stories are rich, original and made me wish the author had written a separate book for each of them. I haven’t read a book like this in quite a while.

What keeps popping into my mind as I write this and as I read the book, is how full of great ideas the author is! I’m in awe. It’s obvious that a lot of research went into writing this book, It really shows in the detailed descriptions of the places and events. I felt transported. The whole thing about demons and human nature was extremely interesting! And the story, except for a couple of exceptions, never went in the direction I expected. It surprised me until the very end.

This is clearly a book for Young Adults, but I’m in my 30’s and I enjoyed it immensely. It has magic, adventure, history, friendship & romance. What’s not to like? I may understand 4 star ratings, but I’m having difficulty believing anybody would give it less than that!

I’ll soon get started with other books by the author. If they are half as good as this one, I’ll love them.

PS: I’m so stressed at the moment and struggling with my own demon, let’s call it “hēmikranía”, that I feel I haven’t done this amazing book justice with this review. I apologise for that, especially to the author, who gave me several hours of great entertainment when I really needed it.