A review by captwinghead
Green Arrow/Black Canary, Volume 1: The Wedding Album by André Coelho, Cliff Chiang, Amanda Conner, Judd Winick


This is... pretty damn terrible, to be honest.

The art is gorgeous and lovely and that's the only thing I commend this book for.

Whatever my complaints about Rebirth Dinah, I still really like her relationship with Ollie. Everything I've read with these two from New 52 to Pre 52, I really like them together. If I'd read this book first, I would hate them. They are a complete trainwreck in this book and not in a cute way. They're screaming at each other, cursing at each other, Dinah even slaps him at one point. They behave like a trashy couple better suited for Jerry Springer than the Justice League. It's just gross and not at all endearing.

I've read a few different versions of Oliver Queen and in none of those did he call a bunch of women "bitches" or "broads". This is one of the worst representations of women I've read in quite some time. All of Dinah's actions are ruled by Ollie. Normally, a man getting fridged to further a woman's story means they get a story of their own with agency and personal character development (Hawthorne, RN or Agent Carter for example). However, because of the circumstances of this storyline, Dinah's still being ruled by Ollie's actions and this book does a very "empowering" thing of having women manipulate other women and take each other down for a man. Thanks, Judd. Really. All the awards in the world for that plot.

This dialogue is painful at times. Mia's tirade to the amazons about how she contracted HIV reads like Judd had no idea how insensitive he was being to sex workers and people with HIV. The plot with Connor was just stupid, in my opinion. Again, Ollie looks like trash in a lot of it and I realize Judd may have inherited quite a bit of that plot but he had control of the dialogue and that was terrible, too.

There's nothing really redeemable about this book, save for the art.

And that's sad because if you wanted to sell a book about DC's hottest couple getting married, you don't need half this shit to do that. Just have them be fun and flirty and in love. Why not let them be as healthy as Clark and Lois in 90% of their stuff. All this drama and fighting and slapping just doesn't need to be here.

I hope I forget I read this soon.