A review by boezaaah
The Guinevere Deception by Kiersten White


4.5 stars

Look, I might be the most biased reviewer of this book purely because I just rewatched the show Merlin, a childhood favourite, during Melbourne's 6-month-long stage 4 lockdown, but I really did adore this. I think anyone that loves all things Arthurian legend will have the time of their life. Kiersten White put such a fun and interesting spin on the versions of the story I'm familiar with, and completely made it her own while honouring and paying incredible tribute to the legend. I don't think I've ever tabbed a book so much on a first read as I did with this one. I loved each and every character and their relationships with one another, and White's Camelot was so beautiful. I seriously can't wait to pick up the sequel.