A review by bookertsfarm
The Color of Fear by Billy Phillips, Jenny Nissenson


In order to write this review, I really had to thing about it for a few days. I think it is important to say that I am not the target audience for this book. I believe it is aimed at young adults or middle graders. So when rating it, I had to look at it from that perspective.

Let me say I would have loved this type of book when I was younger. I am probably dating myself, but I have no recollection of young adult or middle grade books when I was that age. Of course, I was also reading Anne Rice and Stephen King when I was in the 6th grade, so maybe I wasn't the average middle grader. I would have devoured this book at that age, and came close to doing the same even now.

Once Upon A Zombie tells the tale of Caitlyn and her sister Natalie. They have recently moved to London and live with their father. All that is really known of their mother is that she disappeared several years ago. Caitlyn has all kinds of problems. She is a loner at school and suffers from severe anxiety. She has all kinds of worries and fears which makes her an unlikely option for saving an alternative universe...or does it. Along the way, the two encounter a gang of misfit zombies who consist of Rapunzel, Cinderella, Snow White and Sleeping Beauty. Let me tell you, Zombie Disney Princesses is a genius concept. Totally my kind of Disneyland.

This book not only tells a wonderful tale, but also speaks to teen bullying, overcoming fear and anxiety, and expressing one's individuality. Natalie is a brainiac and is quite easily my favorite character. She is witty, snarky and smart as a tack and I really hope she is in the future installments. I enjoyed this book and believe it offers something to readers of all ages. If you like books which are unique and imaginative, then you should definitely give this one a chance.

I received an ARC via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review and also received a hard cover from Smith Publishing. I believe they are soon marketing dolls from this series and I can't wait to get my hands on a Zombie Rapunzel or Snow White!