A review by bherrera
Unlocking the Canine Ancestral Diet: Healthier Dog Food the ABC Way by Steve Brown


This is a great book for anyone who wants to improve their dogs diet. It isn't an all or nothing approach like some books tell you. Steve Brown, the author says that even if you choose to feed a primarily kibble or canned or even commercial frozen raw diet, you can improve that diet with just one day a week of real fresh food. Your goal is to help make whatever your current diet is better by increasing the amount of real protein, balancing the fats and completing the diet with fresh veggies and fruits. The recipes to do this are simple and can be done by anyone. They aren't meant to be fed everyday, but are meant to give whatever commercial diet you feed a boost of real whole nutrition. He then goes further if you want to go ahead and feed a homemade diet he gives you recipes for that and the reasons behind each food added. Third he gives you tips on how to best store your current food he best you can i.e. Keep the bag closed, keep the food in the original bag and use it up quickly i.e. Two weeks for best freshness. The author is the creator of the first commercially available raw food to hit the market two decades ago. He knows a thing or two about what really needs to be in and out of a dogs diet. Heck he was feeding raw before it became popular. Anyways, I highly recommend this book for anyone interested in feeding their dog a better diet either by going fully homemade, or simply adding real wholesome food to the commercial diet they already feed.